Img 1511

Red Cedar Rver

By yuluxi
  • The first picture I took of Red Cedar River

    The first picture I took of Red Cedar River
    I am going to present a series of timeline that exhibit the changes of red cedar river, and my hypothesis is that the leaves turn from green to yellow when the time goes on.It was peaceful and windy. The water flows calmfully, and the leaves on the tree were just turning yellow.
  • The Second one

    The Second one
    It was windy and water was flowing wavey, From the tree you and see half f the leaves just turning into yellow color, and leaves were also spreading all over the ground.
  • The third picture

    The third picture
    It was a shiny day. You can see most of the leaves are in yellow becasuse of the light were going through them. And the river was flowing under the wind.
  • The fourth one

    The fourth one
    From the picture you can see most of the leaves fell, and there are decent amount of leaves floating on the river. However, the bushes are still maintaining a green color.