
Red Bull PR campaign timeline

  • Brainstorming for the 2017 PR campaign

    Brainstorming for the 2017 PR campaign
    Public Relations managers and executives decide what kind of campaign thay want to launch
  • Choice between several projects for the 2017 PR campaign

    Choice between several projects for the 2017 PR campaign
    Many ideas have been proposed and discussed and a choice has to be made in order to launch the campaign before the end of January
  • Approval of the final idea by board of directors

    Approval of the final idea by board of directors
    The PR team decided which campaign to launch for 2017 and need the approval of the board of directors
  • Conduct primary and secondary analysis

    Defining our target segment in order to reach as many people as possible
  • Conduct a situation analysis - SWOT/PESTLE

    Define Red Bull current situation in the market, how the company is perceived by the public. Identify possible opportunities and threats
  • Define the objectives for this campaign

    Define the objectives for this campaign
    Objectives have to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time)
  • Identify relevant public for the campaign

    Identify each public's current attitudeto the situation allowing you to tailor your key messages appropriately.
  • Identifying stakeholders

    Identify who are employees, suppliers, senior executives, investors, identified publics...
  • Define key messages for the campaign

    Define a set of concise and clear messages that form the main thrust of the communication
  • Define the strategy of the PR campaign

    The strategy is usually the overlying mechanism of a campaign from which the tactics are deployed to meet the objectives
  • Choosing the right tactics or tools

    Choosing the right tactics or tools
    Decide whether to use events, lobbying, bloggers, newsletters, conferences, presentations ... etc
  • Define a timescale for the project

    Overall strategy and tactics are known so we need to decide the amount of time to allocate to the campaign and its organisation
  • Allocation of the budget

    Allocation of the budget
    Allocate money to specific areas of the campaign: Operating costs, equipment costs, human costs, telephone, furnitures ...
  • Define a crisis communication plan

    Define a crisis communication plan
    Being prepared to eventual risks that could occur is an essential part of the campaign's organisation
  • Evaluation and critical review of the campaign