Recorded History Timeline

  • New York Symphony Orchestra

    New York Symphony Orchestra
    The New York Symphony Orchestra was founded. It was significant because they are one of the most popular orchestras in the world.
  • Period: to


  • Phonograph

    The first phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison. It is significant because it was the first system that used recorded music.
  • The Blatterphone

    The Blatterphone
    The blatterphone was the first magnetic recorder ever developed.
  • Holocaust

    Adolf Hitler and the Nazis began the mass murdering of European Jews. It is significant because it was one of the largest genocides to ever happen on Earth.
  • Fist Stereo Tape Recordings

    Fist Stereo Tape Recordings
    The first stereo tape recordings were made in Berlin.
  • Ampex

    Ampex produces its first tape recorder.
  • 9-11 Terroist Attack

    9-11 Terroist Attack
    Osama Binladen and his followers atttacked the twin towers in New York City.
  • Disney World

    Disney World
    Natalie went to Disney World for the first time.
  • Stiches and Broken Finger

    Stiches and Broken Finger
    Alexis was ice skating and fell on her face and cut her eye open and had to have stiches. A week later she broke her finger.
  • Recorded Software on mobile Devices

    Recorded Software on mobile Devices
    Recording Software showed up on mobile devices for the first time.