
By Azv
  • Metal Pure

    Metal Pure
    If Eugene Peligot hadn't decomposed uranium oxide He wouldn't have obtained this pure metal.
  • X-rays

    If Röntgenno Wilhelm Conrad hadn't discovered X-rays we wouldn't have been able to use it in medicine and in modern life.
  • Discovery of radioactivity

    Discovery of radioactivity
    If Henri Becquerel hadn't discovered radioactivity, Marie Curie would have not discovered radium, thorium and polonium.
  • Discovery of radium and polonium.

    Discovery of radium and polonium.
    If Marie and Pierre Curie had not discovered radium an polonium, they would haven't found its usefulness in medicine.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    If Marie Curie hadn't found medical applications for radioactivity, She wouldn't have received the Nobel Prize.
  • Neutron

    If James Chawdick hadn't discovered the neutron, we wouldn't have been able to obtain the atomic mass formula.
  • Nuclear fusion

    Nuclear fusion
    If Mark Oliphant hadn't theorized about the fusion of light nuclei, Hans Bethe hadn't described the workings of stars based on this mechanism.
  • Death of Marie Curie.

    Death of Marie Curie.
    If Mary hadn't studied about radioactivity, she wouldn't have died of leukemia.
  • Fission

    If Jean Frederic Joliot-Curie and Irene Joliot-Curie hadn't bombarded boron nuclei and aluminum with alpha particles, Lise Meitner, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann haven't demonstrated the first experimental observation of fission.
  • Warning symbol

    Warning symbol
    If the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) hadn't released a new radioactivity warning symbol, many people wouldn't have understood that some compounds are dangerous.