Rachel Davis 2B

By kariso
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter was the kick off of the civil war, it was the first real atack made. The attack lasted 36 hours and leaked into the next day, April 13 of 1861. Confederate men surrounded and bombed Fort Sumter, a Northern Fort. It took 36 hours of bombing before the Union gave in. There were no known casualties of the attack.
  • Antietam

    Antietam was the bloodiest battle during the civil war. General Lee decided to invade Northern territory because every battle up until that point had been fought on Confederate soil. They were winning the fight when Lee felt that his men needed to rest and decided to retreat. McClellan (General for the Union) let Lee and his men retreat without putting up a fight. McClellan was fired afterwards because of his mercy but did still technically win the fight at Antietam.
  • Gettysburg

    The battle at Gettysburg lasted for 3 days from July 1 to July 3 of 1863, ending just before independence day. Gettysburg is considered the turning point of the war. It was the first big battle that the Union had won without the Confederacy retreating. The battle of Gettysburg was one of the largest and bloodiest battles fought during the civil war. Soon after the battle was fought president Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea
    Sherman's March lasted over a month and all the way from November 15 to December 21. Sherman brought his troups with him and marched through southern teritory distroying property and lives. They riped railroad tracks up out of the ground so that it was harder for the confederacy to transport goods and people. His men went about stealing anything and everything from nearby southerners. Sherman and his men left no room for mercy.
  • Confederate Surrender

    Confederate Surrender
    General Robert E. Lee and General Ulysses S. Grant meet up in Virginia near the town of Appomattox. Lee shows up to the meeting in his very best outfit, not a speck of dirt on his face. Grant however shows up straight off the battlefield having not showered in quite a few days covered in blood and dirt. Ulysses S.Grant writes up the terms of surrender right there and then during the meeting. Lee surrenders to Grant.
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Lincoln's Assassination
    John Wikes Booth a renowned actor was not pleased with President Lincoln. He created a plan to kidnap him with a few friends but upon hearing rumor that the President was going to give African-Americans the right to vote changed his plans. Booth implemented a plan of assassination to override earlier plans. There were three different targets, President Lincoln, William Henry Seward, (the secretary of state) and Vice President Jackson. Lincoln was shot by Booth and died the next day on April 15.