Rachel Brusseau Lifeline

  • Adolescence-A trigger for identity

    The Erikson's stage of adolescence applies to the stage in my life when I questioned my identity and how I saw myself both for myself and in society. There wasn't a specific event that took place, however an entire period of time for me from 13-17. Spirituality was a major influence during this time.
  • Young Adulthood-A time of even more uncertainty and greater discovery

    The process continues in Erikson's timeline of young adulthood and the process of isolation versus intimacy. This can relate to any form of relationship, both with one's self and others. Young adulthood is one of constant questioning and discovery. I, for one, thought friendships were quantity over quality and a lot of friendships were ruined along with relationships, but more importantly the relationship with myself.
  • Middle Adulthood-Explore or White Picket Fence

    Middle Adulthood-Explore or White Picket Fence
    I am currently in the middle adult stage of Erikson's timeline and must say it is quite fitting to the mental process I am currently going through. We make decisions throughout our life that bring us to a certain point or crossroads. How we make those decisions is what forms the next stages. I have decided to quit my job and go down another career path, along with go and travel for several months. This decision to travel and change came at a point of movement, not stagnation in my life.