
Queer events in the US

  • Founding Of The Society For Human Rights

    The first gay rights organization created in the US, it originated in Chicago. Founded by Henry Gerber, they hoped to secure rights for LGBTQ+ identities. It was disbanded after only a couple months but is still credited as inspiration for the gay liberation movement.
  • First Gay Uprising

    Coopers Do-Nuts was a common meet up spot for Los Angeles queer community. After LA police tried to arrest three queer individuals for legal congregation others at the scene pelted them with food, drinks, and paper plates until they left to get back up. Later when they returned the original group had grown enough to require the whole street to be closed down.
  • Stonewall Riots

    The Stonewall Riots are probably one of the most famous events in LGBTQ+ history, they resulted after The Stonewall Bar was raided by Police. In retaliation the bars patrons gathered in the streets and started a riot that lasted 5 days,
  • First Gay Pride Week

    On the 1 year anniversary of the Stonewall Riots the first Gay Pride Week was held. There were marches and demonstrations held all across America in solidarity for all those who risked injury and arrest at Stonewal.
  • Harvey Milk Election

    Harvey Milk was the first openly gay person elected in California. He held a position on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors for almost 11 months before being assassinated.
  • Homosexuality Is No Longer Considered A Disease

    In 1990 The World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the ICD-10, in commemoration May 17th is now known as the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia.
  • Job Discrimination Based In Sexual Orientation Is Prohibited

    In 1998 President Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 13087, which prohibited sexual discrimination in the workplace.
  • First Trans March

    The first Trans march was organized through an anonymous email requesting people to gather at Dolores Park with signs and to dress up in fun loud outfits. The march went from the park to the San Francisco Civic Center (almost 1.5 miles) and is still held annually.
  • Don't Ask Don't Tell

    After 17 years of of banning openly Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual citizens the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" bill was finally repealed. Now queer people may serve in the US military without fear of being discharged for their sexual identity.
  • Gay Marriage is Legalized

    In June 2015 The Supreme Court got rid of all state bans on same-sex marriage and legalized it across the whole country.