PUAD 625 (Grady Hart)

By hartgw
  • Classical Approach to Understanding Organizations

    Classical Approach to Understanding Organizations
    -Emphasized stable and clearly defined structures and processes.
    -"One best way" approach to organization.
  • Frederick Taylor Pioneers "Managerial Analysis"

    Frederick Taylor Pioneers "Managerial Analysis"
    -Establishes scientific management and division of labor.
    -Aimed to promote manager control.
    -Basic idea is that managers should develop processes and fit job descriptions into them, then train employees to perform tasks.
    -Does not account for psychological and social influences on workers and their productivity.
  • Max Weber and the Importance of the Bureaucracy

    Max Weber and the Importance of the Bureaucracy
    -Developed a formal distribution of authority in organizations.
    -Hierarchical authority should be established formally within an organization.
    -Need for well-trained and career officials as organizational managers.
    -Because of these factors, Weber considers bureaucracy to be the most efficient organizational management form yet created.
  • A New Paradigm: Importance of Social and Psychological Factors in Work Behavior

    A New Paradigm: Importance of Social and Psychological Factors in Work Behavior
    -Hawthorne Studies find that social and psychological factors influence behavior and productivity.
    -Sharp contrast to Scientific Management and Principles of Administration.
    -Chester Barnard (1938) concluded that people work for incentives outside of just money and that organizational culture is important.
    -Herbert Simon (1946) attempted to develop a more analytical and empirical approach to decision making in an organization. People in organizations don't always act rationally- Constraints.
  • Administrative Management School

    Administrative Management School
    -Sought to develop principles of administration to guide organizational managers in decision making.
    -Luther Gulick and James Mooney.
    -Gulick's 2 fundamental functions of management: Division of work and coordination of work.
    -Emphasized specialization of labor and unity of command, including having only one single supervisor for each worker to be directly responsible to.
    -Gulick's POSDCORB (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, Budgeting).
  • A New Focus on Group Dynamics and Human Relations

    A New Focus on Group Dynamics and Human Relations
    -Kurt Lewin asserts that individual characteristics AND environmental circumstances influence human actions; thus, must change environment to change behavior: 3 steps- Unfreezing, Freezing, Refreezing.
    -Focus on participative management and increasing employee self-esteem.
    -Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of human needs.
    -Douglas McGregor's Theory X (employees are lazy, etc.) vs. Theory Y (employees are 'good').
    -Criticism: Too narrow a focus, solely on the 'human dimension'.
  • The Rise of the Contingency Approach: Context Matters

    The Rise of the Contingency Approach: Context Matters
    -Organizations are ongoing systems that seek to maintain equilibrium in response to disturbances.
    -Key factors influencing how organizations adapt and reform: Technology, size, environment, strategic choice.
    -Emery and Trist (1965) agreed that organizations are open systems facing the need to adapt to environmental variations.
    -Daniel Katz and Robert Kahn (1966), Burns and Stalker (1961), Joan Woodward (1965), James Thompson (1967).
  • Total Quality Management Programs and Distinction between Public and Private Organizations

    Total Quality Management Programs and Distinction between Public and Private Organizations
    -Organizational culture and diversity have grown in importance with new development in organizational environments.
    -Most previously mentioned researchers haven't made strong distinction in the applicability of concepts between public vs. private organizations.
    -Most focus in literature has been on internal and managerial dimensions of organizations, including organizational structure, tasks and technology, employee motivation, and leadership).