PSYA150- Erikson Timeline

  • Event 1

    Melony (age 1) smiles and reaches up for her babysitter when she sees her who responds by smiling back and picking her up because they've developed a trusting relationship with each other.
    In Erikson's first stage, trust versus mistrust, the crisis is between having someone you trust because they care for you and are affectionate towards you or mistrusting them because they are not always there (reliable) to care for you.
  • Event 2

    Melony (age 3) runs to the bathroom needing to potty however she doesn't make it in time because she doesn't yet have control over all of her physical skills.
    In Erikson's second stage, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, the crisis is between wanting to be independent in areas like physical development but not being able to and feeling shame when not successful doing so.
  • Event 3

    Melony (age 5) wants a bowl of cereal so she grabs her own bowl and spoon along with the cereal and milk, she tries to pour it all herself but gets most of the milk and cereal on the table, she feels guilty for spilling it all over.
    In Erikson's third stage, initiative versus guilt, the crisis is between wanting power and control but wanting and expressing too much power resulting in dissaproval and guilt.
  • Event 4

    Melony (age 8) is having trouble with a girl at school who won't share, she tells the teacher who asks her to solve the problem on her own which she feels she can't do.
    In Erikson's fourth stage, industry versus inferiorty, the crisis is between being able to cope with new social and academic expectations and demands but feeling down when not able to meet those demands/expectations.