Prohibition1 t


  • Volstead Act was Passed

    Volstead Act was Passed
    The Volstead Act stated that our country should "prohibit intoxicating beverages, and to regulate the manufacture, production, use, and sale of high-proof spirits for other than beverage purposes, and to insure an ample supply of alcohol and promote its use in scientific research and in the development of fuel, dye, and other lawful industries." This Act led up to the Eighteenth Amendment.
  • Period: to

    The Dry Period of the United States

  • Eighteenth Amendment was legally passed

    Eighteenth Amendment was legally passed
    The Eighteenth Amendment was a legal document that stated, "manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating hereby prohibited." It changed the lives of men and women all over the country.
  • Calvin Coolidge filled President Spot

    After Warren Harding's death, Coolidge took over the rest of the term and later was reelected for his own 4 year term.
  • Congress Banned Heroin

    Heroin was legal for medical use until the U.S. Congress completely banned the drug.
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    This fight began on Valentine's Day when several men were lined up and shot to death because of their acquaintance with bootlegger, "Bugs" Moran.
  • The Great Depression-Stock Market

    The Great Depression-Stock Market
    During Prohibition times, the Great Depression began. It changed the lives of all Americans and made many suffer. Unemployed people bargained for food, shelter, and water. Men and womens' lives were in severe danger during this dreadful period.
  • Herbert Hoover's Acceptance Speech

    At the presidential election in 1932, Hoover gave a speech for the Republican nomination describing the cons of prohibition and needs for the time to end.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected

    Franklin D. Roosevelt beat Herbert Hoover and became the 32nd President.
  • The Cullen-Harrison Act was passed

    The Cullen-Harrison Act was passed
    Franklin D. Roosevelt passed the Cullen-Harrison Act in 1933 which made certain alcohols and liquors legal for manufacture and sale. This Act was the "beginning" of the 21st Amendment, which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment and made alcohol legal.
  • Prohibition was Repealed-21st Amendment

    Prohibition was Repealed-21st Amendment
    The 21st Amendment was ratified on December 5,1933. This document changed many lives because men and women could return to their original lifestyles and daily routines. Prohibition had been repealed!