progresssoin of the us

  • axis powers

    axis powers
    the tripartite act
    this was meant to keep the us out of the war.
    it would face its most military nightmare
  • fdr unpresidented

    fdr unpresidented
    this happened in 1940 and he was running agiant windol woopie and fdr would prevale because windol wasnt known. fdr was elected party because of his leadership that could be seen as a positive of warl.
  • lendlease act

    lendlease act
    rosevelt compared his plan to lending a garden hose to a nieghbor.
    and britian had not enough cash to spend for the democrasy. and he had this plan clled the leandlease act.
  • hilters argument

    hilters argument
    hitler broke his agrement he had some americans opposed providing aid to stalin and winston churchill saidif hitler invaded hell
  • fdr and winston churchill

    fdr  and winston churchill
    fdr and winston churchill and they meet on a ship the uss agusta to discuss the out come of the war and th fdr and winston were the reason that the us turned into nutral powers.
  • peral harbor

    peral harbor
    this was the attack of peral harbor and the jappanesse were bombing the peal harbor. this took place on 1941 dec 7 this was a huge ttack and start to the ww2 .