Progression of Labor to Birth

  • Beginning of labor

    Beginning of labor
    Baby moves down into lower abdomen and pelvis. Process called lightening.
  • Second Stage

    Second Stage
    Contractions are more productive by pushing the baby through the pelvis and into the birth canal.
  • Early signs of labor

    Early signs of labor
    The "show" or the "bloody show" is when a few drops of red or a pinkish vaginal stain that occurs when the mucus that plugs the uterus desolves.
  • Early signs of labor

    Early signs of labor
    Amniotic sac around the baby breaks.
  • Early signs of labor

    Early signs of labor
    Contrations may occur when you are going into labr, A contraction is the tightening and releasing of the womens uterus.
  • Stages of labor- first stage

    Stages of labor- first stage
    Thining of cervix
  • First stage

    First stage
    To cope with the demands of labor the woman needs to become more focused by practicing breathing excercises.
  • Early signs of labor- the first stage

    Early signs of labor- the first stage
    There are many ways to deal with the pains that come along with the first stage of pregnancy. One of them is walking.
  • First Stage

    First Stage
    Cervix dialates and the baby moves into the pelvis.
  • Early signs of labor- First Stage

    Early signs of labor- First Stage
    Transition is when the cervix become fully dialated.
  • Second Stage

    Second Stage
    Contractions are a little farther a part.
  • Second Stage

    If the baby is very low there may be an urge to push
  • Second Stage

    Baby's descent
  • Third Stage

    Third Stage
    Birth to the placenta.
  • Second stage

    Second stage
    Baby's scalp becomes visible
  • Second Stage

    Second Stage
    Head Emerges
  • Third Stage

    Third Stage
    Placenta detaches from uterine wall.