Computer programmiing

Programming Languages Timeline

  • Plankalkul

    Created by Konrad Zuse. First high-level programming language for a computer and design mainly for engineering purposes.
  • Fortran

    Created by John Backus. Design to provide easy transition for math formulas into code.

    Created by Charles Katz. Design to advance and make improvements on FORTRAN programming.
  • Lisp

    Created by John McCarthy. Design to allow easy manipulation of strings of data.
  • Cobol

    Created by Grace Murray Hopper. Designed to create a programming language for the US Department of Defense to help process data.
  • RPG

    Created by IBM. Design to help develop of varies of business applications.
  • Basic

    Created by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. It is a high-leveled programming language created to make it easy to use.Which is why it is called Basic.
  • LOGO

    Created by Cynthia Solomon. Invented to perform well designed graphics.
  • B

    Created by Ken Thompson. Designed for recursive, non-numeric, machine-independent applications, such as system and language software. Developed in Bell Labs circa.

    Created by Niklaus Wirth. Design to help teach computer programming efficiently.
  • C

    Created by Dennis Ritchie. Designed to script system applications for major operations systems.
  • SQL

    Created by Raymond Boyce and Donald Chamberlin. Design to perform the duties of a database.
  • C++

    Created by Bjarne Stroustrup. Designed to make coding easier for programmers.
  • ADA

    Created by Jean Ichbiah & S. Tucker Taft. Designed for development of very large software systems.
  • Python

    Created by Guido van Rossum. Design to emphasis the readability of code and to provide more productivity to programmers.
  • Visual Basic

    Created by Alan Cooper. Design to help develop graphic Window applications.
  • Delphi

    Created by Anders Hejlsberg. Design purpose is to develop desktop, mobile, web, and console software applications.
  • Java

    Created by James Gosling. Designed to allow network applications to run on more than one device.
  • PHP

    Created by Rasmus Lerdorf. Design to develop Static, Dynamic, or Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor, however is used to stand for Personal Home Pages.
  • JavaScript

    Created by Brendan Eich. Design to make the development of websites easier and more attractive to the programmers.