3091347 computer programing source code on blue electronics background

1.2 Timeline Assignment

  • Fortran

    Was made by John Backus, and was used to process mathematical operations that used to take mathematicians weeks to calculate. Fortran could do it in mere hours. Fortran stands for, "Formula Translation."

    Was developed by Charles Katz, Grace Hopper, and Remington-Rand. This language was intended to improve upon Fortrans features. Math-Matic overtly alludes to the mathematical equations that it handled in it average use. (Its meaning is right in the name. Pretty blatant.)
  • Lisp

    Lisp was made by John McCarthy, it quickly became an industry standard for the creation of AI's. Lisp is an acronym for list processing – the languages full name. Despite its age, List is still in wide use. Though it is on the decline due to newer, and more efficient languages; such languages being, Python, Java, and a few others.

    The lead developer of COBOL was Grace Murray Hopper. She was the head of the CODASYL team, and was a fundamental figure in the languages design. COBOL is primarily used in business, and is predicted to not become obsolete for about another 15 to 20 years.
  • RPG

    Made by IBM. At first RPG was used in those old card punch computers. However, it slowly evolved into a language like COLBOL, and now is used primarily in business application. Though, the RPG languages use in on the decline.

    Created by John J. Kemeny, and Thomas E. Kurtz. Their goal was to make the first language that could be easily learned, and applied by people out of the mathematics or computer science field. In its time this language was very successful. The acronym BASIC stands for, “Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.”
  • LOGO

    Logo is meant to be easy to learn, just like BASIC. However, it was designed with flexibility in mind. The languages was mainly made by Wally Feurzeig. The name Logo is known to be linked to the word logos – meaning thought in Greek.
  • B

    This language was developed in Bell Labs by Ken Thompson, and Dennis Ritchie. This language is used for coding language and system software. B is said to be based from BCPL. Hence the name, “B.”

    Designed by Niklaus Wirth, a Swiss computer scientist. He named his creation, “PASCAL,” after the 16th century French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist – Blaise Pascal. PASCAL was made to be compact and highly efficient. It was good for education and reinforced proper practices for writing quality code.
  • C

    Dennis Ritchie from Bell laboratories made the C language (with help). The C language was made to be more powerful, flexible, and compact than its predecessors; B, BCPL, PASCAL, etc... Its used for writing software, but it has a myriad of other applications. C is generally considered high level even among other more advanced languages. C was first used in writing clean UNIX OS's, and was exemplary at its job. -Description continued in next C section-
  • C

    Today you can find off shoots of C in everything from being the work horse of Windows OS to a small script for a bot net. It has a very wide things it can do and has only continued to expand through the years. In the alphabet C is after B. That why it was named, “C,” as it was meant to be superior to B. Note that C's offshoots have mainly taken over much of what C used to do. That because thee off shoots are more advanced versions of C, and are better at what they are designed for.
  • ML

    ML is defined as a general purpose language. ML means, “metalanguage.” Some of Ml's root are found in Lisp. Variations of ML have been used primarily in chip design. This language was made by Robin Milner in Edinburgh University.
  • SQL

    Raymond Boyce and Donald Chamberlin of IBM were the creators of SQL. At the time it was known as SEQUEL. This language was used to manage data in databases. It was powerful in the storing and retrieval of data. SQL has became a standard language for working with databases and is very good at its job. Its name means, “Structured Query Language,” which basically says: its good at filing queries and retrieving them in a ordered manner from data bases.
  • C++

    This C extension was fathered and developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. Like C, C++ has many applications. Its well known for being used in game programming and hardware control. The use of C++ is on the decline in software programming due to C# preforming vastly better. -C++ Continued in next Section-
  • C++

    Yet that doesn't mean that C++ isn't commonly still used. It will take a very long time for a full transition to be made, and then so, C++ will still have its uses for many years to come. C++ obviously just means C but, “++,” as in improved upon features to its predecessor.
  • ADA

    Was made by Jean Ichbiah of the Dod.The language could process human readable key words, such as, "else." It was intended to be used in real-time embedded systems. The name ADA is used as a means to commend Ada Lovelace, who is known as the first programmer.
  • Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    VB was made by Alan Cooper. This language is meant to link simple code lines to graphical interfaces. It has roots from the Ruby language. The language is very common way to introduce future programmers to simple code concepts. VB has for the most part become obsolete and is replaced by VB .Net. Visual Basic is meant to state that the language is, “Basic,” and has fast “Visual,” (GUI) results.
  • Python

    Made by Guido van Rossum. This language is known for its ability to increase productivity, and due to Pythons simplicity and power it has become very popular. Unlike other programming languages Python has no need to compile. It also uses mainly human readable syntax. Python is also very fast to debug due to it having no compilation process. Python is considered general purpose. Strangely enough, this language was named after Monty Python's Flying Circus... A very old late night comedy show.
  • PHP

    Rasmus Lerdorf created the PHP language. PHP stands for, “Hypertext Pre-Processor.” However, some years ago it stood for, “Personal Home Pages.” As its current name suggest it is primarily used in web development. PHP is considered server-side and can be used to make a wide array of dynamic websites or web applications. PHP specializes in server communications as it is a server-side scripting language.
  • Java

    Java was made by James Gosling and is owned by the Oracle cooperation. Java is also general use. Covering web applications, portal, desktop applications, Etc... Java is another word for coffee. Which is also where this language derives its logo from.
  • Javascript

    Made by Brendan Eich and inspired by the Java language. JavaScript is used for web development. It is written directly into a HTML web page. JavaScript gives us many of the features we see on the web today. Javascript is interpenetrated in the client not the web servers. This allows clients to turn JavaScript, “on,” or, “off.”
  • Delphi

    Anders Hejlsberg was the primary head of the Embarcadero team that developed Delphi. In the 1990's Delphi was considered the top language to make desktop programs. It is also considered easy to understand. Delphi is also PASCAL based. There is no formal reason for the name, "Delphi."
  • Plankalkul

    This languages concepts were made first in 1943. However, the language itself wasn't created until 1998. Plankalkul was designed by Konrad Zuse. Its known as a first high level programming language and was theorized to be used for electro-engineering. Plankalkul means, “Plan Calculus.”