Programming Languages Over Time

  • Plankalkul

    -Developed by Konrad Zuse
    -Developed for engineering purposes
    -Name is not an acronym but is German for “Plan Calculus”
  • Fortran

    -Developed by IBM in California
    -Developed for numeric computation and scientific computing
    -Name is an acronym for Formula Translating System
  • Delphi

    -Developed by Borland
    -Developed to make programming for Windows easy.
    -Name is not an acronym; it started out as a beta codename for the project.

    -Developed by Charles Katz
    -Developed to improve the FORTRAN programming
    -The name is not an acronym, but is the marketing name for the AP-3 Compiler
  • Lisp

    -Developed by John McCarthy
    -Developed for practical mathmatical notations for programs
    -Name is an acronym for “List Processing Language”
  • C++

    -Developed by Grace Hopper
    -Developed to be used for businesses and finance.
    -Name is an acronym for “Common Bussiness Oriented Language”
  • RPG

    -Developed by IBM'
    -Devloped as punch card processing
    -Name is an acronym for “Report Program Generator”

    -Developed at Dartmouth by John Kemeny and Thompson Kurtz
    -Developed for easier use.
    -Name is an acronym for “Beginer's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code”
  • LOGO

    -Developed by Seymour Papert and Wally Feurzeig
    -Developed as an adaption to th Lisp programming language for educational purposes though originally made as a functional programming language.
    -Name is an acronym for “Logic Oriented and Graphic Oriented”
  • B

    -Developed by Dennis M. Ritchie and Ken L. Thompson
    -Designed primarily for non-numeric applications
    -Complex logical decision making and the processing of intergers, characters and bit strings.
    -It's name was taken from the BCPL language. It was an extract from that language to fit in “Minicomputers” at that time.
  • Pascal

    -Devloped by Nikalous Wirth
    -Developed to encourage practicing
    -Name is not an acronym, but it was named in honor of Blaise Pascal
  • C

    -Developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs.
    -Developed to create a language that was capable of giving high level independence to machine programs while the programer could still control the some of the individual bits of information.
    -The name is not an acronym but also a branch off of another program, like the B.
  • ML

    -Developed at the University of Edinburgh by Robin Miner
    -Deloped for general purpose functional programming
    -Name is an acronym for “Metal language”
  • SQL

    -Developed by Raymond F. Boyce
    -Devloped to manage data held in RDBMS
    -Name is an acronym for “Structured Query Language”
  • ADA

    -Developed by Dr. Jean Ichbiah's team in France
    -Designed for large and long living applications that needed to be reliable.
    -Revised( ADA 95) in early1990's by Mr. Tucker Taft
    -The first internationally standardized Object-Oriented Language.
    -Name is not an acronym; it was named after the first programmer (Augusta Ada Lovelace)
  • Python

    -Developed by Guido Van Rossum
    -Developed for emphasis on code readability and clarity
    -Name is not an acronym.
  • Visual Basic

    -Developed by Microsoft
    -Developed for ease to learn and use
    -Name is not an acronym
  • Java

    *Not to be confused with JavaScript
    -Developed by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems
    -Developed for ease of use with as little “implementation dependencies” (as little problems as possible with programming)
    -Name is not an acronym.
  • PHP

    -Developed by Rasmus Lerdorf
    -Developed for Web development
    -Name is an acronym for “Personal Home Page”
  • JavaScript

    -Developed by Brendan Eich
    -Developed for user interaction with the browser
    -Name is not an acronym.