Computer languages

Programming Languages

  • Plankalkul

    Literally means "Plan Calculus"
    Developed by Konrad Zuse as aid for engineering purposes
  • Fortran

    FORmula TRANslating System
    Developed by John Backus with IBM to prrogram scientific and mathematic apps

    Developed by a group led by Charles Katz
    It was a series of improvements made to Fortran
  • Lisp

    Developed by John McCarthy as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs

    COmmon Business-Oriented Language
    Developed by Grace Hopper to write programs for businesses
  • RPG

    Created by IBM to help with ease of transition for IBM technicians

    Beginner's All-purpose Symbolis Instruction code
    Developed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz to make it easier for students of different fields of study to use computers
  • LOGO

    Designed by Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon to teach conceppts of programming related to Lisp
  • B

    Developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs to fit the memory capacity of minicomputers at the time
  • C

    Developed by Dennis RItchie to efficiently map the machine's instructions while requiring minimal runtime

    Developed by Niklaus Wirth to encourage good programming habits
  • ML

    Designed by Robin Milner to develop proof tactics in LCF theorem prover
  • SQL

    Structured Query Language
    Developed by Donald D. Chamberlin, Donald C. Messerly, and Raymond F. Boyce to manipulate and retrieve information stored in IBM's original database management system
  • ADA

    Developed by a team led by Jean Ichbiah under the U.S. Dept. of Defense
    Written to take the place of hundreds of other programming languages used by the Dept. of Defense
  • C++

    Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup
    It was basically just numerous enhancements added to C
  • Python

    Created by Guido van Rossum to work faster and more efficiently
  • Visual Basic

    Developed by Microsoft to help beginner programmers
  • Delphi

    Developed by Borland to extend the Borland Pascal language
  • Java

    Developed by James Gosling so that a programmer could write a code once, and it could be run on multiple platforms
  • Javascript

    Developed by Brendan Eich so that nonprofessional programmers could code easily
  • PHP

    Originally stood for Personal Home Page and was later changed to mean PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
    Developed by Rasmus Lerdof to assist programmers with web development