planing a musical product

  • started practiceing with band

    on the 5 the band had its fist practies and we practies the song set fire to rain covered by sycanour.
  • picked a song

    the band pick set fire to the rian to recored
  • second practice

    the bands second practice of the song set fire to the rian.
  • threed prachtias

    the band will have there threed prachtias
  • prachtias recording

    the band will have a go on the mixing desck that thry will be recording with.
  • starting recording

    the band will strat recoding the song set fire to the rain that they have been practicsing.
  • finshed recording

    the band will fhishish recording the song set fire to the rain.
  • start mixing

    the band are mixing the song they have recorded