Timeline 1763-1774

  • Proclamation of 1763

    This act was where western territory was specifically used for the Native Americans. In addition, the Crown tried to attain all 13 colonies' land and stop westward expansion. The colonist detested this because they said that it took away their fundamental right to settle in western land and that the British only wanted to keep an eye on them, they rebelled against this law.
  • Sugar Act

    This act enforced taxes on sugar, molasses, and other goods imported into the American colonies. Colonial responses were to proceed with a protest and they started to smuggle things in.
  • Currency Act

    This act was passed for the purpose of regulating the status of paper money in the colonial economy. In addition, it also banned colonial paper money in private transactions and prevented the extinction of paper bills past redemption date. The colonials petitioned to repeal the act.
  • Stamp Act

    This act was a type of tax the colonists had to pay that was represented by a stamp that was placed on different things such as papers, documents, playing cards, etc (it was placed by the British government). The colonial response to this act was they just simply refused to pay the tax.
  • Quartering Act

    This act was where British soldiers were given a place to stay and provided with food as well in the colonies. The colonies would house the soldiers with the barracks they gave. The colonial response was that they didn't like it because they didn't have any privacy and they were being taxed for the barracks.
  • Declaratory Act

    This act was passed in order to make all the taxing in America and Great Britain the same. In addition, it stated that Parliament could pass laws and involve the American colonies. The colonial response was nothing, they didn't have a problem with this act.
  • Townshend Act

    This act was for the purpose of taxing any goods that came from American colonies. The colonial response was that they boycott British goods.
  • Boston Massacre

    This was when the British soldiers and the Patriots had a "street fight". They threw all sorts of things at each other and this resulted in the Revolutionary War.
  • Boston tea party

    This was when 342 chests were overthrown from ships to the Boston Harbor. All the Americans were protesting about being taxed on tea. The colonial response was resisting and showing Great Britain that they weren't going to let them tax them, etc.
  • Quartering Act of 1774

    This was similar to the other act, but now this applies to all soldiers, not just British soldiers. The colonial response was not good, they think it also violated their rights since they were being taxed for their food, home, and fuel.
  • Intolerable Act

    The act was passed in order to punish Massachusetts for what happened in the Boston tea party (a total of 4 laws). The colonial response was that they saw this as a threat and a violation of their rights.
  • Quebec Act

    This act was to get rid of loyalty oaths and give people the right to religious freedom. The colonial government pushed the people to cause a revolution because their rights were being ignored.