Prenatal Timeline

  • 1st Month

    1st Month
    At this stage in pregnancy, the baby is only .1 to .2 millimeters.
    The baby is called a blastocyst.
    At three weeks the child has already developed all its genetic material and the sex of the baby is decided.
  • Birth Defects

    PKU - Cause: it is inherited. Description: A condition in which your body can’t break down an amino acid called phenylalanine. Treatment is testing and special dieting.
    Cerebral Palsy - Cause: when your baby has brain damage or problems when the baby’s brain is developing. Description: A group of conditions that affects the parts of your brain that control muscle. Treatment: treatment plans with various doctors and medicine for spasms
  • Birth Defects Cont. Autism

    Autism - Cause: biological disorder that appears to associate with subtle abnormalities in specific structures and functions in the brain. Description: group of conditions that affect how a child functions in several areas. Treatment: No treatment, but children benefit from different medication such as anti-depressants, stimulants and anti-psychotics
  • Birth Defects Cont. Club foot and Tay Sachs and Sandhoff disease

    Clubfoot - Cause: doctors don’t know what causes clubfoot. Description: A birth defect of the foot, one foot is pointed down and turned in. Treatment: Stretching and casting, Stretching taping and splinting and surgery.
    Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff disease - passed to child from genes of parents. Description: inherited disease that affects a baby’s central nervous system. Treatment: is no treatment, but medicine and healthy eating helps manage them.
  • Sources
  • 2nd Month

    2nd Month
    The baby is now a little human being, just under an inch long.
    The heart is beating and the brain is developing.
    The eyes have not fully developed.
  • 3rd Month

    3rd Month
    Now officially a fetus, between two to four inches long.
    All organs are present and fingernails began to develop.
    Fetus begins to move.
  • 4th Month

    4th Month
    Five to six inches and about four ounces.
    Face and heart are fully developed, lungs are still developing.
    Eyes will open.
  • 5th Month

    5th Month
    Six to nine inches and about 10 ounces.
    Is now covered with fine hair
    Will now develop fingerprints.
  • 6th Month

    6th Month
    Ten inches long and weighs a pound
    Vocal chords can function and eyes are opening and closing
    You’ll now be aware of body movements
  • 7th Month

    7th Month
    Developing fat under skin
    Almost 12 inches long and about two to four pounds
    Can now see, hear and taste
  • 8th Month

    8th Month
    A foot or longer and about five pounds
    Lungs are still developing
    Babys head is down and descending into pelvic area
  • 9th Month

    9th Month
    Lungs are maturing
    18 to 21 inches and weighs about 6 to 8 pounds
    Brain is growing