Prenatal Devlopment

  • Period: to

    Prenatal Devlopment

  • 1st Month

    1st Month
    The embryo is developing quickly. THe heart,brain, spinal cord, lungs,face,arms,legs,ears,and eyes are in progress.
    The heart begins beating by the end of this month.
    The embryo is a ½ inch long
  • 2nd Month

    2nd Month
    Arms and legs are becoming longer and more shapely.
    Eyes take on color and eyelids form.
    Head is large and represents approximately ½ of the body.
    Brain is growing and directing the babies movement..
    Other organs begin to work,such as the liver and the stomach
    Details on the face begins to happen
  • 3rd Month

    3rd Month
    Now called a fetus
    Fetus moves often but cannot be felt by mom
    The bones are growing
    The kidneys begin their work
    Fetus now has fingerprints
    All organs are present and working but still immature
    Finger and toes take shape
    Kidneys started functioning
  • 4 month

    4 month
    Fingernails begin to appear
    The umbilical cord is growing and is carrying blood and nourishment to the fetus.
    The fetus is developing air passages,but they are not yet in use.
  • 5th Month

    5th Month
    Hair begins to appear on eyelashes,eyebrows and scalp.
    Lungs begin to receive an ample blood supply.
    Lanugo(soft body hair) and vernix caseosa (protective coating) protect the baby's skins from the amniotic fluid.
  • 6 Month

    6 Month
    The fetus is very active. Some of the activities include kicking stretching,kicking sucking the thumb, and closing the eyes.
    The fetus at six months can hear sounds
    The fetus is 8012 inches long and weighs 12-18 ounces.
    All of the organ are maturing
    The fetus can hear sounds and breathing movements can occur
    The fetus develops fat under the skin.
  • 7 Month

    7 Month
    The fetus is gaining weight and length rapidly.
    Lungs are now able yo support the baby outside the womb
  • 8 Month

    8 Month
    Soft and flexible bones are developing
  • 9 Month

    9 Month
    During the ninth month, the baby will move into the birth position with its head down and nose to mothers backbone