Prenatal development to age 2 years

  • Prenatal Development

    Prenatal Development
    Prenatal language learning is an important part of development. During the third trimester of gestation, a baby in the womb can hear the mother's voice clearly, and can learn the rhythms, tones, and sequences of whatever languages the mother speaks.
  • Newborn

    Babies respond best to adults who make eye contact with them, touch them, and talk in a lively way. Newborns often respond by from simply cooing or if they are not happy or uncertain will cry.
  • 1 Year Old

    1 Year Old
    Toddlers will suddenly seem to understand everything you say. I would tell my daughter it is lunch and she would crawl and when she mastered walking she walked over to her high chair. She would point to a toy like a "ball" becasue she wanted to play with it. Or if she wanted to go outside she would say "out?"
  • 2 year old

    2 year old
    Not only did my daughter understand most of what I said to her, but she would answer me with more than just one word. For example if she was thirsty she would say "cup juice" or "mommy ouch" and would be crying if she hurt herself