Prenatal Development

  • First Month

    During the first month you will found out that you are pregnant. At three weeks pregnant, your child has already developed all his genetic material, aslo the nerve cells form, but are not actually developed as a brain.
  • Second Month

    Baby goes from blastocyst to zygote, as that dividing ball of cells takes on a more human form. Sexual desire may wan as fatigue and nausea increase. The brain is developing.
  • Third Month

    You’re reaching the end of your first trimester, by the end of the third month, your baby is fully developed. Brain development allows the embryo to display reflexes and react to its environment
  • Fourth Month

    Beginning of the second trimester. Hormones settle, morning sickness fades, and you start to feel normal again. The nervous system start to function.
  • Fifth Month

    Start showing. Found out what the baby is. The brain becomes fully developed.
  • Sixth Month

    Second trimester comes to an end. Swollen ankles, headaches or nosebleeds. Major mark of brain development occurs.
  • Seventh Month

    Enter the third trimester. Baby is starting to develop fat under his or her skin. The brain grows rapidly.
  • Eighth Month

    Babies grow rapidly. Babies are head down and descending into the pelvic area. The Lungs and brain are continuing to develop and other body systems are refining to be ready for living outside of you.
  • Ninth Month

    The countdown to baby’s birthday begins. You may breathe a little easier as baby settles into the pelvis. Your baby’s brain is growing tremendously this last month.