
First Month

  • Prenatal Development

    Prenatal Development
    Conception begins. The sperm reaches a fertilized egg and the baby begins to develop throughout the first month.
  • Period: to

    First Month

    The first month the baby starts developing structures that will eventually form its face and neck. The heart and blood vessels begin to develop. Also the lungs, stomach and liver start to develop.
  • End of First Month

    End of First Month
  • Period: to

    Second Month

    The baby is about a half an inch in size. Eyelids and ears are forming on the baby, and also you can see the tip of the nose. The arms and legs formed well. The fingers and toes grow longer and more clear to see.
  • End of Second Month

    End of Second Month
  • Period: to

    Third Month

    The baby starts making its own movements and measures to be about 2 inches long. The sex organs become more clear and the doctor can hear the babys heartbeat.
  • End of Third Month

    End of Third Month
  • Period: to

    Fourth Month

    The baby can blink its eyes and the blood vessels are fully formed. The baby's fingers and toes have fingerprints. The baby now measures 4.3 to 4.6 inches and weighs about 3.5 ounches.
  • Period: to

    Fifth Month

    The baby can suck its thumb, yawn, stretch, and make faces. Eventually you'll feel your baby move, which is called "quickening." Your baby is now about 6 inches long and weighs about 10 ounches.
  • End of Fifth Month

    End of Fifth Month
  • Period: to

    Month Six

    It's time for an ultrasound. Your baby is mvoing and kicking a lot. You will find out your baby's sex. Also, the doctor will make sure the placenta is healthy and attached normally and your baby is growing properly.
  • End of Six Month

    End of Six Month
  • Period: to

    Seventh Month

    The baby weighs about 2 pounds, 6 ounces, and changes position a lot in this month of pregnancy. If you were to deliver prematurely right now, the baby would most likely survive.
  • End of Month Seven

    End of Month Seven
  • Period: to

    Month Eight

    Your baby weighs about 4 pounds. The baby's skin has less wrinkles and a layer of fat begins to form under the skin. Your baby will begin to gain half its birth weight throughout the month.
  • End of Month Eight

    End of Month Eight
  • Period: to

    Month Nine

    Your babt is now ready to be delivered. The brain has been developing rapidly, lungs are pretty much all the way developed, and the head is usually positioned down into the pelvis by now.
  • End of Month Nine

    End of Month Nine
    Before delivery.