
  • Period: to

    weeks 1-4

    During these weeks your body is preparing itself for a baby.
    week 1-2: Your body is getting itself ready for feralization. The embryo continues to grow and is about 1/100 inch long. Week 3: Your egg is now an embryo and the size of an head of a pin. Is also a group of cells multiplying and growing rapidly. Week 4:The embryo is now about 1/4 inches long and has developed a head and trunk. Structures that will become arms and legs, called limb buds, begin to appear.
  • Period: to

    weeks 7-8

    Week 7: Baby is the size of a small bean. arms and legs and even fingers will be forming, as will small spots on the head which will become eyes and nostrils.
    Week 8: Now he/she will have a more developed brain and heart which will beat at about 150 beat a min.
  • Period: to

    weeks 4-6

    Week 4: The babies main organs are developing rapidly and the embryo is now changing into a fetus.
    Week 5: The heart is now forming and will being beating around week 6. Neural tube that protects the spinal cord and connects to the brain is now closing.
    Week 6: your baby is starting to look more like a baby. head is taking shape, while the cheeks, chin and jaws are also beginning to form.
  • Period: to

    weeks 8-9

    Week 8: your baby is developing hands and feet. The baby is also making movements. You won't feel these because your baby is the size of a kidney bean.
    Week 9: Your baby has all their internal organs in place, such as the heart, lungs, liver, brain and kidneys, although they are still very immature and are continuing to develop. Your baby is about 20mm in length.
  • Period: to

    Weeks 10-12

    Week 10: The baby is starting to bend their arms and legs to make movements. The uterus is the size of a grapefruit and the baby weighs about 3 grams. Week 11: The bones in the babies face are now formed and the ears are starting to develop. The eyes are developed but are covered by their eyelids. Week 12: The baby is now a size of a plum. Body parts and internal organs have formed, and your baby just needs to continue growing.
  • Period: to

    weeks 12-14

    Week 12: The baby will weigh around 14 g and will be about 5.5cm long. The babies skeleton is now complete and the bones are beginning to harden. Week 13: The baby will weigh about 20 g and will be about 6cm long from the top of his head to his bottom , the size of a big Prawn. Might also move their hands or even suck on their thumb. week 14: The baby will be about 8cm long and weigh about 40g.The baby will also be growing a fine layer of protective hair called lanugo.
  • Period: to

    weeks 15-16

    Week 15: The baby will now will weigh about 70 g and will be about 9cm long and will be starting to grow eyebrows and head hair. Week 16: The baby will be about 10cm long from head to bottom and will weigh about 100g and the heart is now pumping nearly 30 liters of blood a day.