

  • conception

    a single celled egg hiding in one of the ovaries.
  • Period: to

    developing pregnancy

  • ovulation

    you start noticing changes; like like cramping and vaginal discharge. the ovaries release a mature egg.
  • developing baby week 9

    developing baby week 9
  • developing baby week 16

  • developing baby week 18

    developing baby week 18
    the protective covering starts to cover your babies nerves.
  • fertilization

    ueterus starts to thicken. An egg in the ovaries is starting to rippen and will be released at the end of this week.
  • developing baby

    developing baby
    start to expierence early pregnancy symptoms such as; tender breasts, back ache, and headache. the babys organs and tissues start using proteins to develop. the placenta has began to form.
  • Developing baby week 5

    Developing baby week 5
    expeirence more symptoms like morning sickness. the baby begins to look like a tadpole. the heart beat beats at a steady rthym and the eyes and ears begin to form
  • developing baby week 6

    developing baby week 6
    you start noticing you are gaining weight. you have more symptoms like swollen and tender breasts and heartburn. the baby starts developing the lungs, jaw, nose, and palate. the start developing little buds that grow into toes and fingers.
  • developing baby week 7

    developing baby week 7
    every organ has begun to form. your baby is almost an inch long. you may start choosing a doctor or midwife for your appointments and labor.
  • developing baby week 17

    developing baby week 17
    your body moves your organs around to make room for your baby as it grows.
  • developing baby week 8

    developing baby week 8
    you start showing a baby bump. the ears, eyes, fingers and toes, and nose are now noticeable. the bones begin to form and the muscles start contracting. the tadpole like tail is now disappearing. the babys gender has already been determined.
  • developing baby week 9

    developing baby week 9
    more symptoms like mood swings and feeling blaoted. maybe and increase in heartburn. baby starts to gain weight. baby begins to look more like a baby than a tadpole. all of the babys joints have formed and start moving around freely.
  • developing baby week 10

    developing baby week 10
    Almost through the first trimester of your pregnancy. your babys organs continue to grow and mature. most of his or her organs are functioning now.
  • develping baby week 11

    develping baby week 11
    you start noticing your hair and nails are growing faster. fingers and toes seperate from being webbed. the babys skin is still transparent. the bones begin to harden.
  • developing baby week 12

    developing baby week 12
    morning sickness decreases. baby takes more of a normal appearance. the intestines have grown into the umbilical cord.
  • Developing baby week 17

    Developing baby week 17
    your body starts moving your instestines giving your baby more room to grow. your babys sense of hearing begins to develop. the unblical cord is getting longer and thicker.
  • developing baby week 13

    developing baby week 13
    you begin your second trimester of your prgenancy. stretch marks start to form on your body. your babys head is smaller. your baby now has finger prints.
  • developing baby week 14

    developing baby week 14
    your babys arms and legs begin to lengthen. the spleen begins to produce blood cells. the baby begins to suck on his or hers thumb.
  • developing baby week 15

    developing baby week 15
    you may have gained at the least 5 pounds in your pregnancy. the babys blood vessels can now be seen. the babys skeleton is now visible. but the skin is still trasnparent.
  • developing baby week 16

    developing baby week 16
    your placenta is growing. more of your babys important body parts are functioning now.
  • developing baby week 18

    developing baby week 18
    the protective covering is now covering your babys nerves.
  • developing baby week 17

    developing baby week 17