
  • conception

    sperm fertilizes the egg
  • week 4

    this is when you start to develop symptoms and start to feel bloated, cramps, and sore breast
  • week 7

    embryo doubles in size
  • week 5

    the embryo is the size of a grain of sand but has a heartbeat
  • week 6

    this is the major time that a miscarriage can happen so limmi the intake of caffeine to 300 mg or less. because caffeine can cause a misscarriage
  • week 8

    you can see the heart and hear the heartbeat
  • week 10

    the baby is an inch long and is now called a fetus
  • week 11

    cravings get really weird. most all the organs begin to work that this time. and this is when you can tell if it is going to be a boy or a girl.
  • week 12

    this is when you start showing and need to be more cautious about what you do to protect the baby
  • weel 13

    the end of the 1st trimester. this is when you start eating for two and should gain about 14 pounds over the next trimester
  • week 14

    average time that morning sickness stops
  • week 15

    this is the "window of opportunity" when screenings to check the babies health is prime.
  • week 16

    you start to feel your baby move around this time
  • week 17

    the really weird dreams start about anxiety and about being nervous to have a baby and be a parent.
  • week 20

    your uterus has reached your navel
  • week 22

    your fetus weighs about a pound
  • week 25

    heartburn and leg cramps start to become very common at his time
  • week 26

    The fetus begins to sleep longer and the eyes begin to open and stat to blink
  • week 28

    this is the start of the 3rd trimester. at this stage you will start having "practice" contractions. which is tightening in the abdomen like cramps.
  • week 29

    the fetus isnow very sensitive to light ad sound.
  • week 30

    the fetus starts to drop into the lower part of the pelvis getting ready for labor.
  • week 31

    there is a decrease in the power of the movement of the fetus as the space in the uterus decreases.
  • week 36

    the fetus drops even lower in the pelvis getting even more ready for delivery.
  • week 37

    breasts become filled and leaking with colostrum. this is when you will start to feel really uncomfortable.
  • week 38

    your baby is now considered full term
  • week 40

    your baby is going to arrive!
  • sources