Pregnancy and Prenatal Development

By kiah
  • Conception

    fetus & sperm meet
  • Period: to

    Pregnancy TimeSpan

  • Month 1

    Month 1
    Missed menstrual period.
  • Fetal Development Month 1

    Fetal Development Month 1
    egg attaches to lining of uterus
    critical stage for brain and spinal cord development
    internal organs and circulatory system bigins to form
    the heart begins to beat.
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    Breasts begin to swell.
    Pressure on bladder from enlarging uterus. Urinate more frequently.
    Morning sickness
  • Fetal Development Month 2

    Fetal Development Month 2
    Size: 1/4 in
    Face, eyes, ears, and limbs take shape
    Bones begin to form
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    Breasts become fuller and firmer, may ache.
    Nausea, fatigue, and frequent urination may continue.
    Abdomen slightly gets larger.
    Gains about 2 -4 pounds.
  • Fetal Development Month 3

    Fetal Development Month 3
    Size: 1 in
    Nostrils, mouth, lips, teeth buds, and eyelids form
    Fingers and toes almost complete.
    All organs present , although immature
  • Month 4

    Month 4
    Abdomen continues to grow.
    Apetite increases.
    Most discomforts gone. (morning sickness)
  • Fetal Development Month 4

    Fetal Development Month 4
    Size: 3 in
    Can suck its thumbo, swallow, hiccup, and move around
    Facial features become clearer
  • Month 5

    Month 5
    Enlarged abdomen becomes apparent
    Slight fetal movements felt
    Increased size may affect posture.
  • Fetal Development Month 5

    Fetal Development Month 5
    Size: About 6 1/2 - 7 in.
    Hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear
    Teeth continue to develop
    Organs are maturing
    becomes more active
  • Month 6

    Month 6
    Storng kick, thumps, and bumps. Some may be visible.
    Weight gain of 10-12 pounds
  • Fetal Development Month 6

    Fetal Development Month 6
    SizeL 8-10 in
    fat deposits under skin, but fetus apearswrinkled
    breathing movement begin
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    Increased size affect posture.
  • Fetal Development Month 7

    Fetal Development Month 7
    Size: 10-12 in.
    periods of activity followed by periods of rest and quiet
  • Month 8

    Month 8
    Increased size.
    Basckache, leg cramps, shortness of breath, and fatigue.
    Weight gain of about 18-20 pounds.
  • Fetal Development Month 8

    Fetal Development Month 8
    Size: 14-16 in
    weight gains continues rapidly
    may react to loud noises with a reflex jerking action
    moves in to head-down position
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    Lightening felt
    Breathing becomes easier
    Discomforts may continue
    Total weight gain of about 25-35 pounds.
    False labor pains.
  • Fetal Development Month 9

    Fetal Development Month 9
    Size: 17-18 in
    weight gain contines until the week before birth
    skin becomes smooth as fat deposits contine
    Movement decrease at the feus has less room to move around
    Acquires disease-fighting antibodies from the mother's blood
    Descends into pelvis, ready for birth.