
Pregancy And Prenatal Dev.

  • Period: to

    Pregancy And Prenatal Deveopment

  • month 1

    size-At Two Weeks The Size Of A Pin Head
    The Heart Begins To Beat
    egg attaches to lining of uterus
    critical stage for brain and spinalcord dev.
    internal organs and circulatory system begin to form .
  • month 2

    size bout 1/4 inch 6mm long as month begins
    -face eyes ears and limbs take shape
    bones begin to form
  • 3 Month

    size about 1inch 25mm long as month begins
    nostrils mouth lips teeth buds and eyelids form
    -fingers and toes almost complete
    -all organs present although immature
  • Month 4

    adbomen continues to grow slowly
    most discomforts of early pregancy such as morning sickness,usually gone
    appetite increases
  • month 5

    englarged abdomen becomes apparent
    slight fetal movements felt
    increased size may begin to affect posture
  • motnth six

    fetal movements sensed as strong kicks,thumps,and bumps some many be visible
    weight gain by the begin to affect posture
  • month 7

    increased size may affect posture
  • month 8

    discomfort may result from increased size .backache,legcramp shortness of breath,and fatigueare common
    fatal kicks may disturb the mothers
  • month 8

    size about 14-16 inches 36-41cm long about 2 1/2-3 pounds (1.0-1.4kg)as month begins
    weight gain continues rapidly
    may react to loud noises with a reflax jerking action
    moves into a head down position