Policies of the First Presidents

  • Proclamation of Neutrality

    During the war between Britain and France in 1793, both of the nations at war pressured the US to take sides. President George Washington chose to remain neutral, and made the Proclamation. image source: YouTube
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    In 1798, President John Adams created the Alien and Sedition Acts because of other countries interfering with the US affairs. It stated that to become a citizen you have to live in the US for 14 years. The president has powers to remove any foreigners from the US that are judged dangerous. They could be deported or imprisoned. There would be heavy penalties for interfering with or working against the US. This prevents foreigners from interfering with US affairs. image source: WordPress
  • War with Tripoli

    Barbary, a community in Tripoli, needed money from US trade ships. When the US refused, the leader of Tripoli declared war with the US. From this, President Thomas Jefferson had to increase the size of the navy. image source: slideshare.net
  • Louisiana Purchase

    In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson purchased land west of the Mississippi from Europe, which is now much of the modern-day US. Jefferson doubled the current size of the US. Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore the new land. The US had more room to colonize. image source: learner.org
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    President James Madison wanted Native Americans to farm instead of hunting and gathering. The Native Americans refused, so the Battle of Tippecanoe took place in 1811. Thousands of Native Americans died. By 1815, most Natives lost their rights to their lands.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Europe was pressuring the US in their affairs, so President James Monroe created the Monroe Doctrine. It stated that Europe would expect retaliation if they meddled in the affairs of any independent nation in North or South America. image source: authorStream
  • Tariff of Abominations

    link to Tariff of Abominations video In 1828, John Adams created the Tariff of Abominations. It made foreign goods more expensive to buy. Its purpose was to protect the northern state factories from foreign compitition. The south had to pay more for manufactured goods, and lost money on raw materials that they produced. image source: YouTube
  • Indian Removal Act

    Moving Westward in the Jackson Era The Indian Removal Act took place in 1830. The Act was proposed by President Andrew Jackson. Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi seized Native American farmland, and forced the Native Americans to move to reservations called Indian Territory. The US got more land, but the Native Americans suffered from this event. This was also called the Trail of Tears, because many died on the several thousand-mile journey.