physical milestones for 0-5

  • 0-2 month simple reflex activity such as gradsping,sucking

    simple reflex activity such as gradsping,sucking
  • primary circular reactions (2-4 monthgs) reflexive behavioirs occurs in stereotyped repetition such as opening and closing fingers repetitively

  • secondary circular (4-8months) repetition of change actions to reproduce intersting conquences such as kicking ones feet to more a mobile suspened over the crib

  • coordination of secondary reactions (8-12months) responses becomes coordinated into more complex sequences.actions take on a intentional character such as the infant reaches behind a screen to obtain a hidden object

  • Tertiary circular reactions(12-18 months) discovery of new ways to produce the same consequence or obtain the same goal as the infant may pull a pillow toward him in an attempt to geta toy resting on it

  • invention of new means through mental combinations (18-24 months) deferred imitation

  • preoperational phase (2-4) increased use of verbal representation but aspeech is egocentric. the begining of symbolic rather than simple motor play.can think about something without the object being present

  • intuitive phase (4-7) speech becomes social, they can focus on morre then one thing at a time, they can make better judgement calls on good or bad