Phillis wheatley

  • the birth of phillis wheatley

    phillis wheatley was born in 1753
  • made a slave

    phillis was perchased as a slave when she was seven years old.
  • america

    phillis wheatly was brought to boston in 1761
  • learning literature

    she began studying latin and english literature
  • finnaly its published!

    she published her work in 1773. They did not sell well in the colonies.she wrote the words "wisdom is higher than a fool can reach".
  • free at last

    phillis was finnally freed in 1773
  • married

    phillis married a failed black businessman named john peters.
  • phillis wheatley's husband dies

    john peters dies in a dying destitute in 1784.
  • she's dead

    phillis wheatley died in poverty in boston on december 5th