
Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies

  • first oil gusher used in the US

    first oil gusher used in the US
    the first oil gusher in the us was used
  • new oil refining process

    bothe the Burtton and Bergius processes were created.
  • Period: to

    nylon, acrylics, and poliester are created

    they were brought ito the market right after their creation
  • Period: to

    the fisher tropsch method was made

    the method was being created in the 1920s but the exact date it was finished is unknown
  • lead added to gasoline

    lead added to gasoline
    lead was starting to get put into gasoline
  • portable offshore drilling started

    portable offshore drilling started
    less expencive drilling offshore was started
  • extra octane used in Gasoline

    more octane was starting to be put into gasoline
  • catalytic cracking invented

    catalytic cracking is a very expencive process that gets lots of oil
  • first catalytic cracking unit used on a boat

  • platform technet method starts

  • first oil gusher used far out in the ocean

    first oil gusher  used far out in the ocean
  • first "Jack Up" oil rig made

  • first synthetic oil made

    first synthetic oil made
    synthetic oil was created but it's not as good as real oil
  • introdution to digital seismology

    introdution to digital seismology
    seismology is the recording of ground movment
  • mud pulse telemetry invented

    mud pulse telemetry invented
    it tracks the moment of a moving liquid in the ground
  • "ROV"s used to help with drilling

    "ROV"s used to help with drilling
    they are compact robots for working in the water where divers dont want to go
  • new tools and technology make drilling cheaper

    more modern advances make oil drilling cheaper and safer
  • the "Hover Diana" was comitioned

    the "Hover Diana" was comitioned
    the Hover Diana is a more modern and giant oil gusher