Personal Finance

  • Buying a vehicle: Ages young adult 15-25

    Buying a vehicle: Ages young adult 15-25
    This event would be a savings option, and you would have to probably save money for about 2 or 3 years in advance.
  • Starting a new job: Ages 15-45

    Starting a new job: Ages 15-45
    This would b an investment option and would take for most people about 2-4 years and others maybe more.
  • Buying a home: Ages 26-45

    Buying a home: Ages 26-45
    This would definetly be and investment option and it would probably take you probably 10 years to save enough money to have a nice house
  • Starting a Family: Age working adult 26-35

    Starting a Family: Age working adult 26-35
    This would probably reguire both savings and investment options, and would probably take up to 5 years to be able to have money for your house, food, and your family.
  • Building net worth: Ages all ages 15 and +

    Building net worth: Ages all ages 15 and +
    This would be an investment option and would take your whole life starting young.
  • Getting married: Ages 26-45

    Getting married: Ages 26-45
    This would be an investment option and would probably take up to 5 years.
  • Going on vacation: Ages 25-65

    Going on vacation: Ages 25-65
    This would reguire an savings option, and about 2 years to save for it.
  • Retiring: Ages 46-65+

    Retiring: Ages 46-65+
    This would be a savings option and would take probably about your career.
  • Establishing a savings fund: ages 15-45

    Establishing a savings fund: ages 15-45
    This would be a investment option and would probably take 1 year to start one up, and you would probably use it your whole life.