personal engineering timeline- Mason Clark

  • birth

  • wikipedia

    This was a milestone for the internet. people could now look up anything and have a semi- reliable source for the info. This is still used widely today.
  • first ipod

    first ipod
    Life changing device and completely revolutionized the way we listen to music. Apples best invention at this point in time besides the computer.
  • first camera phone

    first camera phone
    first ever camera phone was a big deal because they now didn't need to carry around a camera as well as a phone, its now all one device.
  • first day of school

  • wii

    The wii was great for about 3 years then it was no longer the prephered gaming system because it required to much movement rather than a controller, gamers did not like to sweat while playing a game.
  • graduate kindergarden

  • first iphone

    first iphone
    Life changing device, a computer in your pocket. This is apples most popular product to date. everyone in school either has an android or iphone, and iphone was the first of its kind.
  • first ipad

    first ipad
    Ipad was just like a ipod and a iphone and a computer combined. Its a large ipod with the possibilities for much more because of its size.
  • graduate 5th grade

  • google glass

    google glass
    google glass was a great design and concept. I feel as if it would have caught on if it wasn't so expensive.
  • 8th grade graduation

  • hoverboards

    Everyone got a hover board for Christmas. It was a simple idea, and even simpler to ride on. its a segway with out a handle.
  • apple watch

    apple watch
    apple watch wasnt the first smart watch but defiantly the best. Its a watch, phone and ipod on your wrist.
  • got license