persecution of jews

  • Dachau Concentration Camp Opens

    Dachau Concentration Camp Opens
    It relates to the Holocaust because it was the first concentration camp that opened. This camp help prisoners for the next 10+ years and was the only camp that remained open throughout the entire Holocaust period. This place is where thousands and thousands of people died.
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    This law gave Hitler the power to do whatever he wanted. He could make something a law without having to check with anyone else. If he wanted it, he would enforce it. This led to him creating many laws which targeted groups that he deemed not worthy of living.
  • Boycott of Jewish Businesses

    Boycott of Jewish Businesses
    All the jewish people who had businesses or worked for a jewish owned businesses jewish or not because they wouldn’t have a job.
  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany
    All the jewish people who had businesses or worked for a jewish owned businesses jewish or not because they wouldn’t have a job.
  • Jewish name and law

    Jewish name and law
    This law was required that Jews that did not have Jewish first names to take the middle names Israel (For men) and Sara (For women).
  • Gerda weissmann

    Gerda weissmann
    Was deported to work in a textile mill in bolkenhain despite the hunger and backbreaking labor gerda was only 18 when this happen
  • Sobibor Uprising