persecution of jews

  • Boycott of Jewish Businesses

    Boycott of Jewish Businesses
    Less than 3 months after coming to power in Germany, the Nazi leadership stages an economic boycott targeting Jewish-owned businesses and the offices of Jewish professionals.
    This shows persecution against the jews as people didn’t shop at their stores and therefore jewish businesses were unable to make money.
  • Education Law

    Education Law
    Explanation of law: The law started that Jewish students could be no more than 5% of the student population of any public school or university.This shows unfair treatment to jewish people because they could not go to school
  • Burning of “Un-German” Books

    Burning of “Un-German” Books
    Explanation of event:People burned books that didn’t talk positive about the Germans. This shows that jews were treated unfairly because they could no longer read material that they wanted nor could they receive information other than what was positive towards the German Nazi Party.
  • Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor

    Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor
    Explanation Of Law/Decree: People who are Jewish can only marry Jews.They can't marry anybody that is not a Jew. This shows harsh treatment as the Jewish people couldn’t marry people that they may want to.
  • Kristallnacht Attacks

    Kristallnacht Attacks
    German Government declared an attack on Jewish Businesses, homes, and synagodes. 30,000 jews men and boys were arrested and sent to concentration camps
    This shows persecution of jewish people as people burned down their home, businesses, and places of worship.
  • Anti-Jewish Economy Law

    Anti-Jewish Economy Law
    The Law was that jews could not have businesses or engage in trade. This shows persecution to the Jews as they could not own business or trade and therefore could not make any money
  • First Kindertransport Arrives

    First Kindertransport Arrives
    Explanation of event: German Government declared an attack on Jewish Businesses, homes, and synagodes. 30,000 jews men and boys were arrested and sent to concentration camps this shows that they could not go to the camps.
  • Franny Orenbanch Aizenberg

    Franny Orenbanch Aizenberg
    She was a jewish person and I also picked jews she was also arrested.They also moved to different camps. This shows that different jews could not go to another camps, also they could not go to the gas chambers.
  • Jewish Badge Introduced in Germany

    Jewish Badge Introduced in Germany
    Jews were forced to wear the “Yellow Star of David” on all of their clothing to identify as a Jew. This shows unfair treatment to the jews because they couldn’t not wear the badge and had to identify who they were.
  • Mass Murder Begins at Chelmno

    Mass Murder Begins at Chelmno
    To carry out the mass murder of Europe's Jews, the SS established killing centers devoted exclusively or primarily to the destruction of human beings in gas chambers. Chelmno was among these killing centers. This shows that they could not go to the gas chambers.
  • Announcement of Death Penalty for Aiding Jews

    Announcement of Death Penalty for Aiding Jews
    Anyone who was caught helping a jew would be sent to Poland for a death penalty. This shows persecution against the jews because people were not allowed to help them out.