

  • Apple Blossom festival and hunted old ludlow

    Apple Blossom festival and hunted old ludlow
    Boonie Sue Bomgartner soon-to-be 67th Apple Blossom Queen get sick from school lunch thier calling it food poisoning. At the blossom festival the find new queen Lacey Horton & signs start to show up on the house of the hunted old Ludlow place
  • Old hunted Ludlow House

    Old hunted Ludlow House
    Another sign appeared on the old ludlow place
  • arrested made on old Ludlow property

    arrested made on old Ludlow property
    A man heard voices on the property and called the man was arresred at 5:00a.m.
  • man arrested and held remanded

    man arrested and held remanded
    The man arrested was brought to court. He was remanded
  • dead body identifyed

    dead body identifyed
    1st dead body finally identfiy asdonald lupo co-owner of D$B security
  • somebody else injured by LudLow house and a new sign appears

    somebody else injured by LudLow house and a new sign appears
    riding down the road she saw a light coming from the old house causing her to fall off her bike. she was takin to the emergencey room and kept under observation into the evening. The new guess what's next