Pea's 4-2 Timline

  • my dad's birthday

    my dad's birthday. born in bangkok
  • my mom's birthday

    my mom's birthday. she was born in ranong thailand
  • brother's birthday

    my brother's birthday born in bangkok very big head
  • When I was born

    I was born in the symphet hospital. I was a little chubby
  • haiti earthquake

    the biggest haiti earthquake ever!!!!!! thousands of people killed!!!
  • went to yuaput camp

    camp for meditation. I hade a HORRBLE time. it's fur of torturing
  • vacation to singapore

    hade a fabulous time. stayed at my aunt's condo. went shopping a lot
  • world's biggest earthquake!!! in japan

    the world biggest earthquake and it in japan!!! it's up to 10 victors!!!
  • vaccination for the horse bite

    horse bit me. my mom sold it away.
  • new hotel

    my mom opened a new hotel. it's at petchabury.
  • easter/songkran holiday

    all wet with dinsopong it an kind of powder
  • my first bisac tournament

    my first bisac tournament went to harrows to meet
  • last day of school

    last day of school until the summer school end