Peacemaking and Peacekeeping

By moeko
  • President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points

    Stated USA war aims to seek for an international lenient peace. It was the basis for the Versailles Treaties and valued the population's concern and the claims from government equally. It caused impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, germany ignoring the 14 points.
  • Period: to

    Peacemaking and Peacekeeping 1918~1936

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty between Germany and the Allied Powers containing the Covenant of the League. The treaty tried to force Germany and her alies into the position of accepting the war guilt clause and put reparations and disarmaments on her.
  • The Anglo-American Guarantee

    A guarantee between USA and Britain to defend France against German aggresion. They pledged to give a military support when attacked by Germany to prevent difficulties spreading, however was not ratified by the USA, later by Britain and withdrew militarey aid
  • Cration of the Mandatory System

    Created to administer colonies that were supervised by the LON for poeple and countries to develop positively, having freedom of trading and abolishing slavery. It stated to educate and improve colonial populations and making them become independent democratic states but could be seen as a vague form of annexation. The terrirories were divided in to 3 classes.
  • Treaty of St.German

    Allied Powers deling with Austria-Hungary. Austria was told to not intergrate with Germany and Autria had to give some of thier colonies to other countries. moreover, Czechoslovakia was set up and Galicia was given to Poland.
  • The League of Nations

    An international organization to prevent the outbreak of the war and resolve disputes, being a branchild of Woodrow's 14 points. All nations met and discussed about world peace. The two main aims were collective security stated in Article X, which all nations had to take part in resisting aggression consuming a lot of money and manpower and international cooperation. However, the bsence of 3 big powers (USA Germany Soviet Union) limited the effectiveness of the LON in a crisis.
  • Treaty of Trianon

    The Allies dealt with Hungary. Hungary lost 2/3 of ots pre-war territory to Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Romania. After the treaty, over 3 milion Germans that were in Sudetenland went to Czechoslovakia.
  • The Little Entente

    An alliance between Czechoslovalia, Yugoslavia, and Romania. Purpose was to safeguard their independedncy from Bulgaria dna Poland. It was supported by France for a counterbalance to the German power
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty signed between Germany and the USSR. It promised mutual assistance and allowed them to escape diarmament clauses of the Treaty of versailles and sought the possibility to evade restrictions. Moreover, it allowed them to develop weapons for violation
  • The Rhur Crisis

    France seized the output of the mines and factories in the Rhur instead of collecting reparations. Germand refused by acts of sabotage,and passive resistance and to support workers, government printed more money which created a hyper inflasion. Consequently, there was increasing sympathy for Germany and the Frence lowered its reparations.
  • The Dawes Plan

    Charles Dawes suggesting Germany to reschedule the reparation payments. The total amount of money they had to pay did not change, however, deadlines extended and was permitted that she could reasonably afford until she bacame more prosperous. France agreed to remove trops from the Ruhr and Germany economy began to improve and international tensions decreased.
  • The Locarno Treaty

    An agreement between Britain, Frace, and Germany. Germany accepted its borders with France and Belgium but teir Eastern borders were not fixed. The treaty proved nations to rehabilitate without passing a threat to Europe but was a sense of euphoria since Germany continued holding hands with USSR to evade disaramament clauses.
  • The Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Signed by 65 countries renouncing war as a national policy
  • The Young Plan

    Settled the remaining problems of reparations. French were willing to compromise and a comitte chaired by the Americn banker, it was decided to reduce reparations from 66oo to 2000
  • Allied ocupation leaving Germany

    Became an independednt state