pd2 social studies project 2011

  • The labor day holiday is created

    The labor day holiday is created
    Labor Day is a federal holiday that happens the first Monday in September. It became a federal holiday in 1894 after the deaths of the men in the Pullmen strike. It went throught Congress and sighned a meer 6 days after the strike ended.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    Workers in chicago marched for an 8 hour protest. The poliece came to break up the riot. 8 poliecemen died and 100 were injured.
  • The Homestead strike

    The Homestead strike
    Lasted from june 30 to July 6. It was the most serious disputes that happened in US labor history. The dispute involved the Homestead steel workers.
  • The Pullmen strike

    The Pullmen strike
    The strike was caused because the town was made for the factory workers but they didnt want to buy the houses from the company owner George M. Pullmen. The rent was high and wages droped. The wage falling was caused by the panic of 1893.
  • The Coal strike

    The Coal strike
    The coal strike happened was by the united mine workers of america in the anthracite coal feilds in Pennsylvania. Threatened to shut down the winter fuel supply. It was the first labor episode in which the federal goverment did not intervene as a neutral arbitrator.
  • Pure foods and drug act was passed

    Pure foods and drug act was passed
    Gave the goverment the power and law to inspect meat products. Also inspect the manufactures and transportation of the food to the market. This act made the FDA that we have today.
  • Triangle Shirt Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirt Factory Fire
    The fire was called the most disaterious accident to happen in a insudtry in its time in new york. 146 garment workers were killed by this devastating fire. This lead to legislation require standards in factorys.
  • Congress of Industrial Organization was formed

    Congress of Industrial Organization was formed
    Was part of the AFL until it broke away in 1935. It broke away because it advocated organizations along industrial lines rather then craft lines. Was reintergrated into the AFL in 1955.
  • The National Labor Relation Act was passed

    The National Labor Relation Act was passed
    A little fyi tip this act was also known as the Wagner act. It was pro labor. Created the National Labor Relations Board.
  • The GM sit down strike

    The GM sit down strike
    The GM sit down strike was the first of its kind in many ways. One way was the fact that they locked themselves in teh factory so the strike brokers were rendered usless. In the months that followed the strike spread to other GM plants and the strike ended Fe3buary 11 1937 and the workers got what they wanted.
  • Fair Labor Standards act was passed

    Fair Labor Standards act was passed
    The main goal of this act was to make mnimum ages and wages for employes. Also the work and wages were to be regulated by federal law. I know this act well because as a 14 year old I wnat to hold a job as soon as possiable.
  • Sreel strike

    Sreel strike
    The steel strike was by the United steelworkers of America against U.S. Steel ans nine otehr steelmakers. The companies sued to regain control of there companies after the goverment nationalized the american steel industry. The steel workers were fighting for a wage increases.
  • Major League Baseball strike

    Major League Baseball strike
    This was the first strike in major leauge baseball history. Baseball resumed when the owners and players agreed on a $500,000 increase in pension funds. The 86 games that were missed due to the strike were never made up.
  • New York City transit strike

    New York City transit strike
    This strike was cuased by the Transport Workers Union Local 100. The MTA agreed to a retiermetn,pension, and wage increase. fMillions of comuters were effected by the strike.