Feyerabend 4

Paul Feyerabend, January 13, 1924 - February 11, 1994

By Corey M
  • Pluralism Principles

    Pluralism Principles
    Feyerabend proposed two principles that should be guiding science. The first principle being “tenacity”, that scientist should hold onto attractive theories despite initial problems and give them all a chance to develop their potential. The second principle being “proliferation”, to make up new theories and propose new ideas. Feyerabend approach, is a population of people happily developing their theories and also trying to think up new ones (Godfrey-Smith, p. 115).
  • Epistemological Anarchism

    Epistemological Anarchism
    Feyerabend’s most famous work was his 1975 book Against Method, for which he argued for “Epistemological Anarchism”. Which is a view that rules of method and normal scientific behavior were to be replaced by a freewheeling attitude in which “anything goes” (Godfrey-Smith, pp 103, 111). He argued that observations in science are contaminated with theoretical assumptions and hence cannot be considered a neutral test of theory.
  • The Ramblings of Madmen

    The Ramblings of Madmen
    Feyerabend argued that we can often only perceive the limitations of our current perspective if we try to step outside it, at least temporarily. What we usually consider “established fact”, including observable facts, are often laden and contaminated with prejudices and outdates ideas. Any source of an external vantage point is to be valued, even alternative theories and theories with massive problems (Godfrey-Smith, p. 116)
  • Scientist are turning in Human ants

    Scientist are turning in Human ants
    Feyerabend has gone from being an ally of freedom to being an enemy. Scientist are turning into “human ants”, entirely unable to think outside of their training. The dominance of science in society threatens to turn man into a miserable, unfriendly, self-righteous mechanism without charm or humor. Feyerabend declares that society has to be free from the strangling hold of a domineering scientific establishment (Godfrey-Smith, p. 113).
  • Epistemological Anarchism Video

    Epistemological Anarchism Video
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coJF--qWeVc The Audiopedia. “What is EPISTEMOLOGICAL ANARCHISM? What does Epistemological ANARCHISM mean?”. Youtube, 5 Feb. 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coJF--qWeVc
  • Work Cited

    Godfrey-Smith, Peter. Theory and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. Print.