Paul Feyerabend born January 13, 1924 died February 11, 1994

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  • Classical Emperalism

    When it comes to scriptures of a religion the scriptures teach a particular subject but what if the scripture ommits a particular question or topic? This would leave the readers of the scripture as is the rule of religion to only believe what is written.Feyerabend rejects Classical Empiricism especially in form of text. The particular reason for this is that in text the knowledge is never guaranteed to be in full.(Oxford University Press, 2000.)
  • Anarchism in Science

    Feyerabend in 1975, criticized the idea that there is one correct scientific method that should be followed by all scientists. He argued that this belief stifles creativity and hinders scientific progress. Instead, Feyerabend advocated for an anarchistic approach to science, where multiple methodologies and theories are allowed to coexist and compete with each other.(Oberheim,. 2012)
  • Critics of Feyerabend

    Critics argue that Feyerabend's assertions promote anarchy in scientific research and undermine its credibility as an objective discipline. However, Feyerabend counters this criticism by highlighting historical cases where unscientific ideas eventually gained widespread acceptance. For instance, he cites Galileo's heliocentric theory initially dismissed as false but later proven to be true.
    Feyerabend's viewpoint challenges conventional wisdom about science.(Oberheim., 2012)

    Feyerabend, Paul, et al. The Worst Enemy of Science? Essays in Memory of Paul Feyerabend. Oxford University Press, 2000. Oberheim, Eric. Feyerabend’s Philosophy. 1st ed., vol. 73, De Gruyter, 2012,