Patents Throughout History

  • Potash

    Samuel Hopkins was issued the first patent in history for potash which is an ingredient used in fertilizer.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Samuel F. B. Morse was issued a patent for Morse Code which is used to represent numerals, the alphabet, and punctuation with a series of dots, dashes, and spaces.
  • Condensed Milk

    Condensed Milk
    Gail Borden was issued a patent for sweetened condensed milk which is long-lasting and needs no refrigeration.
  • Barbed Wire

    Barbed Wire
    Joseph F. Glidden was issued a patent for barbed wire which is the barbed wire of modern day and transformed the Great Plains in North America.
  • Phonograph

    Thomas Edison was issued a patent for his invention the phonograph which is a device used for mechanical recording and reproduction of sound.
  • Calculator

    William S. Burroughs was issued a patent for a calculating machine with an added printer which was the first workable adding machine.
  • Airplane

    The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were issued a patent for the flying machine which is the first powered, heavier-than-air machine to achieve controlled, sustained flight with a pilot aboard.
  • Frozen Food

    Frozen Food
    Clarence Birdseye was issued a patent for frozen food which he derived from the Eskimos and how they kept their food fresh.
  • Velcro

    George De Mestral was issued a patent for Velcro which is a synthetic fastening system that mimics the hooks and loops of burrs.
  • Laser

    Arthur L. Schawlow and Charles H. Townes were issued a patent for a laser which is used for optics.