Chicken wang

Pancho Villa

  • BIRTH: 5 June 1878

    José Doroteo Arango Arámbula
    born: June 5th, 1878
    in La Coyotada, San Juan Del Rio, Durango, Mexico
  • Father dies

    1893 Villa's father passed away When he was 15 years old
  • VIlla kills a leader

    Pancho kills the hacienda leader for raping his sister
  • bandito villa

    1896 Pancho Villa becamea bandit
  • Pancho for revolution

    Pancho Villa became a revolutionary leader for Mexico
  • resignation from army

    1911 Pancho Villa resigns In May of 1911, Pancho Villa resigned from command
    due to issues with another leader
  • trouble with General Huerta

    May 29, 1911 Pancho gathered troops and began working with General Victoriano Huerta, who then accused him of stealing his horse and ordered that Villa be executed.
  • Pancho Villa escaped from prison

    December 27, 1912
    Villa received a reprieve from Madero, but Huerta killed Madero and claimed the presidency. then Pancho escaped and fought Maderos army and won, with help of friends
  • Death of Villa

    Villa was shot 40 times by a man after getting home from jis childs baptism, the man said "Viva Villa" before killing him