Paitchel Giver Vocabulary

  • Utopia

    Definition; An ideal community or perfect society.
    Example; Due to its safety, experienced trainers and great accommodations, Camp Halfblood was considered an Utopia for training demigods.
    Antonym; Disorder, chaos,
  • Conformity

    Definition; The act of following others or doing what others do in order to fit in.
    Example: In order to fit in at his new school, Bruno confirmed to a society of Nike clothing.
    Antonyms: individuality, self expression,
  • Chastise

    Definition: To discipline or punish
    Example: After attacking the neighbors cats, the judge ordered Berry the dog be chastise and the family fined for the damage
    Antonyms: praise, reward
  • Vast

    Definition: huge in size or extent;immense
    Example: The sunflower field was so vast that Seb couldn't tell where it meet the road.
    Antonyms: Small, petite
  • Recollection

    Definition: A memory of an event
    Example:The war vet's recollection of his first deployment was as sharp as ever.
    Antonyms: amnesia, absent minded
  • Apprehensive

    Definition: uneasy or fearful about something that might happen
    Example: Alaska was apprehensive of meeting her friends for a part in the abandoned house
    Antonyms: sure of, confident