P3RRYs U.S history timeline

  • Korena War

    Japan had annexed Korea in 1910 and ruled it until August 1945.
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    Steel Mill Strike

    The workers wanted the right to negotiate for work hours and better wage. In addition they wanted union recognition and collective bargaining rights. During the month of September the U.S steel corpporation refused to meet with union representatives. In reaction 300,000 employers walked away from their job.
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    Roaring 20s

  • Women and jobs

    From the 1920s -30s women employment rate went up and were had the oppurtunity to apply for a more wide varitey of jobs which means the percentage of female workers went up. There were jobs in the Domestic field, Professional, Transportation, Trade, Clerical, Agriculture, and Manufacturing &Mechanical.
  • Qutoa Act

    the qutoa system established the maximum number of people enter who could enter the United States from each foreign country. The goal was to cut back on European immigration to the United State.
  • The Scopes Trial

    Tennessee passed the nation's first law that made it illegal to teach evolution. Immediately the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) promised to defend any teacher who would challenge the law. John.T Scopes ayoung biogoly teacher in Dayton Tennessee accpeted the challenge. (pg 438-439)
  • Scopes Trial Opens

    the scopes trial was a fight over evolution and the role of science and religion in public schools and in American society.. This trial started on July 10th and almost became a national sensation.
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    Al Capone

    Al Capone lead a criminal empire in Chicago through the power of bribes and viloence. He bootlegged (transporting in leg of boot) liquor to and from Canada into Chicago.
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    Great Depression

  • Bank Failure

    At First 600 bamks and by 1933 11,000 out of 25,000 banks had failed. Due to the Government did not protect or insure bank accounts millions of people lost their money due to this.
  • Business Failure!

    During this time the National Gross product, the total output of goods and services was cut in half from $104,000,000,000- $59,000,000,000. Estimated 90,000 businesses went bankrupt. Among this failed enterprises were once-prosperous automobile and railroad companies.
  • Federal Home Loan Bank Act

    Herbet Hoover signed into this law which lowered mortgage rates for homeowners and allowed farmers to refiance their farm loans and avoid foreclosures.
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    World War II

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    Cold war event

    The American government sent the Nationalists approximately $3 billion dollars in aid
  • Cold War event

    Harry S. Truman becomes president because Franklin Roosevelt died.
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    Cold War

  • Korean War

    During this time North Korean forces swept across 38th parellel in a surpise attack on South Korea. The conflict that followed is what lead to the Korean War
  • Macarthur vs. Truman

    On this date truman made an shocking announcemeent that he had fired MacArthur