P1 Chloe Drievr

  • Dec 13, 1439

    The Invention of the Prtinting Press

    The Invention of the Prtinting Press
    Technology gives us the ability to have mass production of documents.
    Unfortunatly at this time the majority of the population are not able to read.
  • Publication of the First Journal - The Physiological Journal of the Royal Society

    Publication of the First Journal - The Physiological Journal of the Royal Society
    The journal gives scientest and engineers the ability to share vast amounts of knowledge leading to the speed up of technological change.
  • The First Magazine was Published

    The First Magazine was Published
    As technology has progressed it has allowed for monthy printing and the invention of magazines.
    Through this invention we can see that society is becoming more sophisticated and more people have the ability to read.
  • The UK's First Major Newspaper

    The UK's First Major Newspaper
    Technology has improved even more and they are now able to do daily printings therefore allowing the creation of newspapers. This vastly speeds things up and people are able to react to major thing that have happened and find out about them the day after they happen. It aslo creates the role of a journalist.
  • The First Telephone

    The First Telephone
    Gives people the ability to make long distance , real time communication. At this time it was essentially the richer end of society that could afford them and businesses.
  • The First House Phone was Created

    The First House Phone was Created
    A bit like the telephone the house phone was only avaiable to the richer end of society.
  • BBC Radio Made There First Broadcast

    BBC Radio Made There First Broadcast
    This was funded by the state and was the first time we were able to broadcast in peoples homes. Hitler used this form of communication to broadcast Propaganda.
  • Television Begins Broadcasting in th UK via the BBC

    Television Begins Broadcasting in th UK via the BBC
    This was also state funded but those who wished to own a TV were required to have a license. This gave the media alot of power in ways such as advertising. Currently there are 24 million televisions in the UK alone.
  • The Invention of the Interent

    The Invention of the Interent
    The internet was initally invented by the US Military. If a base were to be attacked or destroyed they could all still communicate.
  • Cable TV Becomes available within the UK

    Cable TV Becomes available within the UK
    Intoduces the use of multiple channels.It also gives us the basics for broadband.
  • Sale of the Mobile Phone in the UK

    Sale of the Mobile Phone in the UK
    Very expensive and cost around £2000, it also weged a lot at 1kg, unlike phones today there was only half hour talktime and basically was used for businesses.
  • Satelite Television

    Satelite Television
    This has now provided hundreds of channels. Therefore allowing a wider range of things to be reported on such as wars, riots, poltical issues live from the event.
  • The First Text Message was Sent - "Merry Christmas"

    The First Text Message was Sent - "Merry Christmas"
    Today this is the most popular way to communicate with one another.
    1.2 BILLION people send texts per month.
  • The World Wide Web Became Available World Wide

    The World Wide Web Became Available World Wide
    This ment people could search for infomation, and also purchase things online.
  • The 3G Mobile Becomes Available

    The 3G Mobile Becomes Available
    Everyone can peport on thigs as people can take pictures and record videos.
  • Social Networking

    Social Networking
    Social Networking begins to gain popularity. WEB 202
  • 4G Mobile Becomes Available

    4G Mobile Becomes Available
    This provides people with 4G mobile to recieve high speed internet access on the go.
  • Web 3.0

    Web 3.0
    The internet is know a tool, it organises and finds things for us. "CLOUD"