Outbreak of World War I Timeline

  • The Triple Alliance is Formed

    The Triple Alliance is Formed
    This was the military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Each member promised to protect each other if the other powers were to attack.
  • The Triple Entente is Formed

    The Triple Entente is Formed
    The triple entente was an alliance formed between France, Britain, and Russia. They entered World War I as allies against Germany and Austia-Hungary.
  • Austria-Hungary Takes Control of Bosnia

    Austria-Hungary Takes Control of Bosnia
    This is also known as the annexation crisis or the First Balkan crisis. In April 1908 the Treaty of Berlin was signed and this was put to an end.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand is Assassinated in Sarajevo

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand is Assassinated in Sarajevo
    Gavrilo Princip assasinated Franz Ferdinand along with his wife. This gave Austria an excuse to attack Serbia leading up to the events of the war.
  • Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia
    A Serbian nationalist assasinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June who was heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne. They were convinced the Serbian government had conspired against them so they declared war.
  • Germany Invaded Belgium

    Germany Invaded Belgium
    This was also called the Schlieffen Plan. Germany wanted to defead France before the Russians could mobilize all the way.
  • A German U-Boat Sinks the Lusitania

    A German U-Boat Sinks the Lusitania
    This enraged the Americans. This event helped bring the US closer to joining the war.
  • The First Battle of the Somme Begins

    The First Battle of the Somme Begins
    One third of the British troops were killed in the battle. This was one of the largest battles of the war.
  • The Zimmerman Note is Discovered

    The Zimmerman Note is Discovered
    This telegram was from the German sent to Mexico proposing to make war against the US. This note helped draw the US into the war.
  • The United States Declares War on Germany

    The United States Declares War on Germany
    The Zimmerman telegram pushed the US into finally declaring war on Germany. President Wilson asked th congress, then delcared war when they granted it.