Social media

OLGA Social Media

  • Hotmail

    Hotmail is a free web-based email operated my Microsoft where you can send and recieve "emails"
  • LiveJournal

    Live Journal was started by Brad Fitzpatrick as a way of keeping his high school friends updated on his activities. is a social network owned by SUP Media where Internet users can keep a blog, journal or diary.
  • Blogger

    Blogger is a social network where you create a blog(s) and in your blog you can upload photos, text posts, links, etc. You can follow other users and custumize you own. Blogger was created by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003.
  • DeviantArt

    Devian Art is an online community showcasing various forms of user-made artwork. It was first launched by Scott Jarkoff, Matthew Stephens, Angelo Sotira and others. DeviantArt aims to provide a platform for any artist to exhibit and discuss works. Works are organized in a comprehensive category structure, including photography, digital art.
  • LinkedIn

    Linkedin is a social networking website for people in professional occupations. Founded in December 2002 and launched on May 5, 2003, it is mainly used for professional networking. As of June 2012, LinkedIn reports more than 175 million registered users in more than 200 countries and territories.
  • MySpace

    MySpace is a social networking service owned by Specific Media LLC and pop star Justin Timberlake. Myspace was founded in 2003 and was acquired by News Corporation in July 2005 for $580 million. From 2005 until early 2008, Myspace Aimed at a Gen Y audience was the most visited social networking site in the world, and in June 2006 surpassed Google as the most visited website in the United States.
  • Orkut

    Orkut was launched bya Turkish software engineer. It is a social networking website that is owned and operated by Google Inc. The service is designed to help users meet new and old friends and maintain existing relationships.
  • Facebook

    Facebook Facebook is one of the most used social networks where you can create an account, add friends, write a status upload photos, make albums, and comment and like friends pictures. As of September 2012, Facebook has over 1 billion active useres.
  • Twitter

    Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched that July. The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with over 500 million active users as of 2012, generating over 340 million tweets daily. This is a social network in which you mainly follow other users and create posts.
  • Tumblr

    Tumblr was launched by David, but he left the company in 2012.In tumblr you create your blog, choose your theme and cuztomize it, reblog, comment and link other users photos, upload your own photos, follow other users and even make your blog private.
  • Pinterest

    PinterestPinterest is a pinboard-style social photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, hobbies, and more. Users can browse other pinboards for inspiration, 're-pin' images to their own collections or 'like' photos
  • Edmodo

    Edmodo was founded by Nicolas Borg and Jeff O'Hara. Users are able to check grades, assignments, and write posts to classmates, teachers, and parents. Teachers are also able to post grades and assign homework to students. Students can submit homework and view their grade and any comments the teacher may have posted about their assignment.
  • Google+

    Google+ is a multilingual social networking and identity service[2][3] owned and operated by Google Inc. It was launched in June 28, 2011. As of September 2012, it has a total of 400 million registered users. Unlike other social networks which are generally accessed through a single website, Google has described Google+ as a "social layer" consisting of not just a single site, but rather an overarching "layer" which covers many of its online properties.