Odysseus 400x400

Odysseys Epic Journey

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    At Home

    At Home
    Odysseus is at home with his pregnant wife named Penelope. penelope has a baby boy named Homer.
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    Odysseus leaves lthaca

    Odysseus leaves lthaca
    Odysseus leaves Ithaca for war in troy. He doesent know if he will ever come back to see his family.
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    The wooden horse

    The wooden horse
    odysseus and his men go on there ship and sails to Troy and build a wooden horse and they all got in it. And the men at troy let them in. Later that night the men at Troy partyd andd went to sleep then they sneeked out of the horse and slotterd them.
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    The land of cicones

    The land of cicones
    the wind picks up and carries Odysseus and his men to the island of Cicones. And the Cicones attacks his ship.
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    The Island of the Lotus Eaters.

    The Island of the Lotus Eaters.
    Odysseus's lost about six men per ship from Zuses storms and they wash up on the islands of the Lotus Eaters where the natives give some of Odysseus's men some of the fruit of the lotus.
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    The Island of the Cyclopes

    The Island of the Cyclopes
    Odysseus and his men sails to the Island of the Cyclopes.
    They go into a cave for shelter, then they find a Cyclopes. They go under sheeps belleys and sneeks out.
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    The Island of Aeolus

    The Island of Aeolus
    Odysseus gets a bag of wind to help him get back to Ithaca, and his men open the bag so the ship blew up from the wind and all of his men died and Odysseus lived and drifted to the island of Aeolus, and Aeolus is the ruler of the floting island.
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    Land of the Laestrygonians

    Land of the Laestrygonians
    At Laestrygonians there is a race of giants that live there. When they where there they had lunch with them then they noticed that there ships where sinking in the harbor.
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    was an island said to be the home of the sorceress Circe. Odysseus lived there about a year on his way to lthaca.
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    The Underworld

    The Underworld
    Odysseus goes to the underworld and he offers Circe somthing then he sees his mom there and she talks to him.